Daycare/Nursing Home Liability
Daycare Liability
When you entrust the care of your child to a daycare facility, you are relying on them to use reasonable care during the supervision of your child. They are what the law terms “in loco parentis,” literally meaning “in the place of the parent.” Although accidents occasionally happen, some injuries occur due to negligence of the daycare. If your child was injured while under the supervision of a day care provider, pursuing legal action may be necessary to not only to recover damages but also to prevent other children from being similarly injured.
A daycare provider has a legal duty to exercise care to protect the health and safety of the children under their care. Daycare injuries can occur due to negligence, child abuse, negligent supervision, negligent hiring, failure to properly train employees, and failure to adhere to child care laws. Or a daycare may be “strictly liable” for serving adulterated/tainted food to children in its care. In daycare injury cases, you may be able to pursue legal action against both the daycare facility and its negligent individual agents. We will investigate the incident to determine hold all responsible parties accountable for their negligence.
GLG’s lawyers have helped children and their families obtain compensation for injuries suffered at daycare facilities. To learn more about your options, please contact us to schedule a free initial consultation.
Nursing Home Liability
With the growing number of elderly people in the United States, more and more families are relying on nursing homes, assisted living centers, and extended healthcare institutions. If you have a family member staying in a nursing home, you rightfully expect that he or she is receiving the most professional and compassionate care possible. Unfortunately, in some instances this does not happen. Oftentimes, workers (such as nursing aides) are not properly licensed, background checks were not performed
Some signs that your family member is not being cared for properly may include skin lesions and bedsores, unexplained falls, repeated or unyielding infections, physical and emotional abuse, dehydration, significant weight loss, and poor hygiene care. Additionally, subtle signs of abuse or neglect include social isolation or withdrawal, mood swings, excessive crying, changes in thought patterns, and paranoia.
When caregivers and other nursing home staff abuse, neglect or exploit an elderly or disabled individual under their care, they may be held liable for their actions in a civil action for damages. The attorneys at GLG have extensive experience representing nursing home residents and their families in such cases.
If you or a loved one has been abused or neglected at a nursing home, GLG will work diligently to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. GLG’s lawyers can assist in obtaining nursing home records and evidence to prove negligence on the part of caregivers.
Please contact GLG and we will be happy to review with you – at absolutely no charge – your particular rights and remedies.