A violent crash, a $106 million judgment and the embrace that brought closure
On November 5, 2021, a six-member jury in the Maryland Circuit Court for Prince George’s County awarded GLG client Ezra Ganeshananda a total of $106.8 million for damages resulting from a horrific car crash. Firm Principal Peter Grenier and associate John Antishin...
Peter Grenier Presents on Crafting Superior Demand Letters
We are happy to announce that the American Association of Justice will be hosting a webinar by Peter Grenier and other top plaintiffs' lawyers. Grenier will share his expertise on writing effective demand letters. Sign up for the July 28th webinar here. It will also...
Peter Grenier Teaches LawPracticeCLE Webinar
On July 28th, Peter Grenier delivered a webinar on Advanced Strategies for Negotiating Claims with Insurance Companies. It is available on-demand. Register for the course here.
PG County Police Chief Resigns After Discrimination Allegations
This week, local NAACP head Bob Ross and police officers pressured Police Chief Hank Stawinski to resign. For years, officers have been filing suits alleging racial discrimination in matters of discipline and employment. Expert reports in one lawsuit detail over two...
Grenier Interviewed on The Opening Statement with Joe Shannon
Fourth Circuit Speaks Out Against Police Brutality
On June 9th, 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a crucial opinion dealing with police excessive force and qualified immunity. The case stemmed from the death of Wayne Jones, a homeless man in Martinsburg, West Virginia, who was...